Category: McAfee Files

  • Watchfulness


    The first two days Sam and I were on the run…

  • Searches without warrants

    Searches without warrants

    Yesterday Amy was alerted in advance that the police were going…

  • Punishment of the innocent

    Punishment of the innocent

    After the murder of Mr. Faul, the police began a systematic…

  • From Samantha

    From Samantha

    Samantha’s native tongues are Spanish and Creole.  She has only recently…

  • Harrassment


    Within a week of the GSU raid on my jungle property,…

  • Samantha


    I told Samantha that I would have to be away for…

  • How this began

    How this began

    In the pre-dawn hours of April 30th of this year I…

  • Background


    If you want to follow this blog in an intelligent fashion,…

  • Introduction


    With lots of time on my hands and very little to…

  • American Crocodile Education Sanctuary

    American Crocodile Education Sanctuary

    American Crocodile Education Sanctuary Arson Ombudsman Report, Belize Wildlife Protection Act…