Over the past few weeks several readers of this blog have questioned the future of whoismcafee.com, and have wanted to know the reasons for my absence. I have not disappeared, nor is my blog going away, I have just been extremely busy travelling, dealing with personal affairs and contributing to the official projects regarding my life. It has been a long but fun process, and I feel blessed to have surrounded myself with an
extremely talented and honest team of individuals ยญ all of whom I consider my friends. I am confident that each of you that have been following my story will find the final results to be worthwhile.
As for Sam and Amy, they are safe and we are all eager to be reunited in a peaceful environment. It has been a long ride, and we are looking forward to a new and positive chapter in our lives. In order to accomplish that, however, we must go trough a long and bureaucratic process. It is very time consuming, but it is worth every second.
In addition, I am not ignoring those that write to me. I receive an extremely large amount of requests to expose, help fix, and donate to a growing list of issues in Belize – one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I considered Belize my home for many years, and have let behind beautiful memories and friends, which saddens me deeply. I can only wish
the best for its future and those that still call it home.
I have exposed a lot of corruption in Belize, simply because my past situation allowed me to do so. Moving forward, I encourage the people of Belize to continue their fight for a better future – one without corruption, and without violence. I have paved part of the road, so please move forward in pursuit of your dreams my dear friends.
Over the next few weeks, the design and management team of this blog will begin developing a new platform. TRUST ME, it will a fun, informative and quite a bit more interactive. Through this change, please rest assures that the existing blog will remain in place, along with all comments. Unless its necessary, I will be absent until the new platform
goes live.
77 responses to “A quick & positive update”
Guns and cameras have a lot in common. Just point and shoot. Sweet Dali lama quote.
Yeah comments are landing funny again. And taking a loooong time to hit when they do. You would figure with as little comments going on these days it would not take long for them to be posted by admin. Do you guys not have it set up to email you or notify you in some way when there is a comment on the blog? Might want to do that. Been almost a month since this last post. It time for something else. And something more than a message saying please hold on a bit longer. Starting to get worried your not going to complete the story. Or are you saving all the good stuff for the movie? Did you sell the rest of the story already and not able to post here any longer or you would be in breach of contract? If that’s the case just tell us. We would understand. Would be nice to hear something. Also why is it that a multitude of my post never make it? Seems comments are being filtered like crazy now. whats the deal?
Ain’t nobody here but us chickens!
“Excellent…….. happiness is a warm gun.”
(looks around, then winks)
“Quick, to the bat-cave”
Comments showing up in the wrong order again?
Visit the link below for a list of all people mentioned in this blog in with links to each article they are mentioned in. If I missed anyone or there are any corrections that need to be made please let me know. I thought this might be useful.
John, Wish you’d give us an update on your medical products research company, Quorumex. Quorum sensing sounds like a good way to defeat all manner of human diseases. Right now I’m being treated by a product at my hospital that is based on Manuka honey from New Zealand called Medihoney, which defeats all the bacteria and other nasty organisms that have become resistant to anti-biotics. No one knows the exact way Manuka honey works, although there are various theories out there. I am beginning to believe that there are components in Manuka honey that communicate with the human immune system but that is pure conjecture on my part and based on Manuka honey’s tendency to heal wounds without leaving a scar.
But I’m not too interested in your exploits based on your testosterone supplements. I’m too old for all that and never did find the younger women as interesting as I found the older, wiser, and more knowledgeable women in my life.
But please give us an update on your Quorum Sensing research or at least let us know if the company is an ongoing concern, My interest was piqued in this subject when I was introduced to Manuka honey healing technology, something produced not by man but by hives of bees.
Web – “actually, yes I can…” And to answer your 2nd question – well…I think you may know the signal!”
5, 6, 7, 8
“U-know what I mean.”
No I don’t ๐
but you are an interesting read.
Holmes – ” Fine, but can you show me how to load it first?” (pauses) ” and what’s the signal?”
testing: 1, 2, 3. 4…?
Looking forward to seeing a new post from john. Hopefully is will be soon. Even just a another quick post to let us know he is still alive and kicking would suit me fine for now. Maybe you can answer a few questions we all have. Making progress on the movie? When should we be expecting The Hinterlands? When should we expect this overhaul on the blog? Are you still alive and kicking? Hope all is well with you. Also you guys can click on my name if you like to visit my new blog. Its a blog on Government and Police corruption. I have a message board, Chat box, and plenty videos of Police brutality and corruption. Come have a look when you get a moment. You can click on my name or just go to http://www.exposethecorrupt.blogspot.com If you have a story of police abuse or corruption no matter where in the world we would like to hear your story. Start a new thread in the message board(link to message board on top of page) and let us know what happened. Our Ears Are Open. We Are Listening, And It Is Your Turn To Speak! Hope everyone is doing well. During our down time here drop on by my blog or Web’s and say hello. Web’s blog is http://www.whereismcafeeandwhoisweb.blogspot.com Looking forward to seeing you soon!
P.S. To those who might question– I did ask john before posting my blog info here.
Watson – “have you got your gun with you?”
Holmes – “Yes, sure. (fumbles around) Here it is.
Watson – “Right, now I’m going to let you have some bullets for it. Try not to shoot yourself – at least, not until I give the signal.”
I love to read your writings Blue, they never cease to entertain and enlighten.
Admittedly, there are times a polyglot would be extremely useful. ๐
hey john and chad i really appreciate the autograph/drawing. I had given up on requesting it and i think it shows your both very kind,humble and generous people. I truly appreciate it and its better then anything i couldve expected so you both have my most sincere thanks. I plan on getting it framed, its the perfect thing for when im deep in thought or need motivation.
Impressive work as always, thank you. I’m sure it will provide tons of memories each time I walk past it. ๐
Is that your chicken scratch at the bottom? LOL Looks like mine. ๐
Thank you both.
wim followers,
Have you seen the new ‘Wanted’ posters that Sandwillow made? Pretty funny.
The study of Philology, a term coined? by Richard Bentley of 18th century England. The ‘history’ of it all. Thought I’d share…..
Watson is a patronymic surname meaning “son of Watt.” The popular Middle English given names Wat or Watt were pet forms of the name Walter, meaning “ruler of the army.” From the elements wald, meaning rule, and heri, meaning army.
When one inverses el numero ocho what does one get? The symbol of infinity.
Send in A-gent triple 8 as referred in a certain Bond flick. King James Bond?
A ‘king’ as in a human or that of the unseen realm of which lies just out of reach of temporal existance? “Riddle me with a fiddle of kindness”.
Our-O-Borus…..as in the concept Of.
The sYmbology of philology.
U-know what I mean.
Well huh?
It’s the year of the Snake.
Though perhaps not as one would assume?
We live in some ‘interesting’ times.
So stick around and stay ‘tuned’; much more to come soon enough as a Gregorian chant with melodic acoustic persuasion…..or somethin.
L8ter folks.
Thank you Chad
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my surprise that was in the mail today. Thank you so much John and Chad. Your the best!
Are you doing any FLYING?
That’s an interesting camera you have at your temple and very funny,.
Is that an X-Ray device?
Would any of you guys still checking in like to come and defend against the troll? He has made (as usual) shitty comments about JM, and now has this to say about us :
You are all shit humans. I bet you molest your own children in your trailer parks.
Isn’t that special? The whole comment here:
Thanks ! ๐
Well, silly?
I might be at times but Watson you’re the one that does all the work and gets very little credit. No one wrote a book, a screenplay, or a BBC series about Watson.
So, who is Watson?
The “John” I am referring to is Dr. John Watson. Follow the link of Watson’s name. It goes to a BBC series of a modern day Sherlock Holmes. I was NOT referring to John McAfee. I also did not say he was posting as stash, that was someone else ๐
John told us he was Harold, I did not speculate on this blog as to whether or not he was.
You have me confused with someone else who thinks that John comes on here and posts under many different monikers. Personally I think John will post as John. He only did Harold because he was posting in secret. And Harold was an admin on the blog.
Welcome back John, thanks for the update
So, if you think Sherlock aka stash is John aka Harold , then whoe the he11 is Watson?
And John, dig the photo you uploaded with this entry as a response to a previous commenter’s request for something like it. Was the metaphor intentional? If it was, I agree! Either can be used to destroy a life and often, both are.
Chris, I read about your brother’s story yesterday when I was catching up on John’s. I live in the states and I have been talking to everyone I know about what’s happened to both men because almost no one here has heard (poor and/or nonexistant press coverage). My heart pains for your whole family. They have denied you access to basic material facts about Jeffrey’s demise, and have overtly insulted our collective intelligence with their admittedly callous and negligent treatment of an innocent man who came to volunteer in their country. Through their words and actions they continue to injure your family without hesitation. Even if the official story were 100% accurate, Jeff would likely have needed medical attention if he had actually been as intoxicated as they assumed he was. The lack of empathy, professionalism and decency they displayed shows just what kind of arrogance you are up against. Please find a great family therapist to help your whole family stay sane, healthy and strong enough to fight for justice. You all will be in my thoughts and conversations. May your family be blessed with the peace that heals you, in time.
Oh John… You are such a good pairing with Sherlock.
I absolutely love that BBC series. By far one of the better modern day sherlocks.
Ooops. The name wasn’t long enough, so I added ‘and’……LOL
Sherlock seems to have a mind of his own……
There is something special under John Mcafee at :
just for you!
A few interesting stories from Belize.
Guy with 5 passports mysteriously disappears from police custody:
Crime is up…..WOW, big surprise…..smh
2 young men shot by police.
A quote from victims aunt: โI donโt understand how there can be a police shootout and you get two of them in the back of their heads. I donโt understand that. The kids were running; the two young men were running away.โ
When Belize? When? How many more young people have to die or become incarcerated for turning to crime, the only option they see in your corrupt, police-state, repressed ‘Jewel’? Your window of opportunity is closing quickly, with every piece of the pie being stolen right out from under your noses. STAND UP AND DEMAND BETTER, BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. PLEASE.
Sherlock, is that you?
Talking in riddles again are we. When will you learn that us mere mortals need cheat sheets to keep up>
What a story. Tired of deceptive mousetraps – aren’t you?
Welcome Chris, glad you found us. I am sorry for your loss. Your brothers story was posted on this board for us to read when it happened. I commented on how unbelieveably sad about what happened to him. Many commented that there was definately a cover up. I have been to Belize and drove past that jail. It is a horrible place (just from the outside). There are many stories about unfair treatment of non-belongers in Belize. We have posted many on this board. The one story that I learned about while in Belize, that haunted me at night, was about Miriam Simi in Sittee River. According to the expats there, it was a big cover up. The other story that bothered me was about American business woman, Suzan Boutz. She was arrested and spent time in the jail where your brother died. Then of course, I found John’s story which I have followed since the very beginning. These are just a few of many stories of corruption in Belize. I hope you find the answers you seek. Peace be with you.
Thank you everyone so much for your support. It is very healing to me personally to know there are others out there who are aware and understand exactly what is going on in this country. This has become more than just about the loss of my brother. It is now about doing the right thing and what ever I can do to help expose this type of corruption in hopes of preventing this type of inhumane treatment from happening to any one else ever again. I will see you on the other blog.
Welcome. Many of us read about your brother with great sorrow. We know that Belize has issues. John has tried to shine a light on them. You of all people can understand why he ran when he did.
As WEB says, come join us on the other blog as well.There are many people who are ready and willing to help.Don’t be discouraged if John does not reply right away. He has been very busy with his projects.
And again, welcome…. you are among friends ๐
Hi Chris,
We all read the horror story about your brother with great sadness. You’re right, there is a cover up…..what happened to Jeffrey is nothing short of criminal. I’m very sorry for your loss.
The posts in this blog provide John’s twisted tale, and now, you’ve unfortunately lived through one yourself. Belize is corrupt from top to bottom, and the higher up they are, the less likely repercussions for their actions will ever occur. Whoismcafee is an in depth read, and contains links to many stories, posted by the readers.
Once you’ve finished here, I would like you to come to ‘our blog’. I say our because it was started for us, the wim readers when it seemed JM was gone. He wasn’t. ๐
In addition to keeping up with John, we are also discussing Belize, and ways to make a difference (especially education/young peeps). All of us have been shocked by the people’s resistance to stand up for themselves, too. We would love to have you join us, to work towards your goal. It doesn’t take away from JM’s blog, but adds to the conversation, with a little silliness on the side. We’re all still very present here.
I think you find the links at the top of the home page especially informative. Under the Belize section you will find many articles presenting evidence of authorities out of control. Hopefully you will find something that could help facilitate your quest.
Once you’re on whereismcafeeandwhoisweb, please feel free to ask questions, or for help.
Your brother was a fellow Canadian, and I’ll do whatever possible to assist you in finding answers.
Hello John
My brother a Canadian citizen died in Belize 6 weeks ago while in police custody. I lead my own personal investigation for two weeks until I felt my own safety was compromised and had to leave the country. Clearly there is a cover up. I have discovered your story and I am writing to you for any guidance that you may have to offer after surviving your experience in Belize. My goal is to create awareness in hopes this will stop happening, to make Belize a better place where people are not afraid to stand up for themselves and speak out against corruption. My brothers name was Jeffrey Donald Furgala age 35.
To speak to another as a Soul….1st rather than as the package they came in. A whole new world opens up.
JI understood this well.
What do you U think?
Good tunes anyhow as it seems to put one in a better state of mind. If not, carry on please.
Carrying on…..
Not sure there is a managment team. I know this site was handed over to someone to manage but they are doing a piss poor job. I know not many people are commenting these days which plays into it also. But is kinda like when you go to a restaurant that is not busy thinking because they have little to do you will end up getting faster service. But you end up waiting an hour to get your appetizer. Think allot of people got discouraged by the kink of the flow by the long wait in moderation and post less. Hopefully this talk of big changes to the blog will include some solutions to this flow killer.
did you get censored?
come over to the dark side, lol
Wtf ??
Has the ‘management’ team been told to uber filter?
Kinda currupt like? Lol..
Connie, while you wait come on over and play!
With friends like this, who needs enemies?
Hey, was that a pin dropping?
Damn, it’s quiet in here….if you want to make some noise, you know where we are. ๐
Even big pharma knew of the problem. John was working on a sustainable “solution”. Unfortunately any solution not built by the big pharma companies would be discounted or marginalized.
Would not a pre-mature Disclosure disrupt freewill itself?
Certainly in a ‘determined’ world (freewill vs. determinism) would imply a fore-gone conclusion.
I ‘Under’ stand this to be true.
Huff Post lead article Antibiotic Resistance “catastrophe”
John recognized this problem long ago.
So happy to hear an update and glad all is going well ๐
We really need to do away with this hours of moderation somehow. This bottle necks the comment section tremendously. Can we not change it so we can create an account and admins can pre-approve certain people to comment and only new posters get moderated? There is no reason for everyone to be filtered. Not sure if this would be an easy change. If it is I suggest this be one of the first things to be changed and soon. “Your comment is awaiting moderation” screeching us to a halt way too often.
Fun might have not been the best choice for words, however, I believe JM was speaking of his life and current endeavors. As stated ad infinium on this board, it is not about a murder. Since JM had nothing to do with the murder then why would he dwell on it? He could very well be negative about the press, the government of Belize, and some of you on this board, but instead he chooses to take the higher road. A quality I so admire.
Cheers, JM… Sending Good Energy as always.
“It has been a long but fun process…”
Yes, real fun – someone was murdered along the way but let’s not dwell on the negative.
that is a kick to wired magazine….i’d like to comment on that. #pretty fucking sweet!!!!……
Thanks for checking in John, always a treat to hear the latest. I as the rest will be eager to see the new “platform” and as long as there are no keyloggers or misc installs I will be excited to explore…ha ha ha, jk!
Safe travels and bests to the family (Sam and Amy).
Spring Ahead!!
Awesome to read that things are progressing in a positive way for you, JM. We, your loyal fans and followers are ever behind you!
go john!!!!!
Well john, Through your movie you have the opportunity to depict the media however you like. Give them a taste of their own medicine lol.
Love the picture!
And yes, what if what the media reported was wrong? We already know there were many things reported about you that were lies and embellished half-truths.
Some of us have never wavered from our original beliefs, regardless of how much was said in the press… or by other folks here…
Geeez, Connie ๐
For some reason this song came to mind, One Last Breath by Creed. Man you are hairy. I don’t remember you being that hairy in pictures from Belize. Maybe the tan made it less noticable. LOL>
LOL Love the picture, great kick in the jaw to wired magazine
Okay, so I commented too soon….. (ch4)
John, I’m happy to see things are moving forward for you, and there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s been a long time coming. ๐
it is good to hear things are going well for you. As it has been a few weeks since your last blog post, perhaps you could give us an update on the following:
1. What is the status of your remaining staff in Belize? Are they continuing to be harassed by the government there, or have things died down?
2. What is the current status of your remaining dogs in Belize? Is there any chance of them being transported to Portland? I imagine they must miss you tremendously, and I am sure the feeling is reciprocal.
3. Is there any further news on the death of your former neighbor, Mr. Faull? I can’t recall hearing a single update on the progress of the murder investigation, and I find it very suspicious that the Belizean government hasn’t made a peep at all. Surely they have ballistics reports by now. What do you think they might be hiding?
Aryeh Goretsky
Thank you for the update, John. It’s great to see you back, we really needed a boost here. i think that most of us assumed that you were busy and that you would jump back in one day. Good luck in all your pursuits. Looking forward to the new blog and whatever is next to come.
Glad to hear all things are headed in a positive direction. Looking forward to the new improved blog. Thank you for giving us a peek at who is McAfee.
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
I agree. The media is corruptions right hand man. I sitll don’t understand why CNN’s Web site is CNN.COM rather than CNN.Gov. They have a long history of fake stories and being paid by abusive alpha dogs to report or not to report and how to report. As well as many other media outlets. But it has become a collective acceptance by the majority of people to not think and let the media think for them. It is one of the most dangerous tools of man kind. Tell a big enough lie and tell it often and eventually to the listeners it will be the truth. Media fed perception is poison of the mind. The movie Natural born killers come to mind. As well as Wag the dog and a few others. But I did hear on the news somewhere that the best source of information is the mass media………
Thank you, kind Sir
That is all we needed to know.
In the meantime, I ( we?) will further our own discoveries as to “Who am I” and leave the
“Who is McAfee” Up to You.
If and when we meet again on this blog, will depend on our continued interest in
” Who is Mcafee?” and Why do we care?
Who are we, in relationship to
“Who is McAfee” ?
and if it holds any purpose or value in our own ….life and times .
We tied our tails to you “kite wing” and you took us on an exciting ride. It was but a brief moment in time.
The well being of you and those you hold most dear were our concern and our prayer .
Anything else , was/ is , just idle curiosity or vicarious entertainment.
Welcome back, Sir!
Thanks for the update. Always thinking about you and those around you. I know how hard it is to keep all the hoops going at the same time. Looking forward to any and all news but we still need you in the fight for a better Belize. You have make it better for all of us in many ways especially with your insight and humor in times of stress.
Keep the faith – John Positive Karma surrounds you ๐