I apologize for all of the misdirections over the past few days. It was not easy to exit Belize and required many supporters in many countries. I am in Guatemala and will be meeting with Guatemalan officials this morning. If all goes well I will do a press conference tomorrow.
Vice Magazine reporters are indeed with me in Guatemala. Yesterday was chaotic due to the accidental release of my exact co-ordinates by an unseasoned technician at Vice headquarters. We made it to safety in spite of this handicap. I had to cancel numerous interviews with the press yesterday because of this and I apologize to all of those affected.
I will post more in two hours or so.
Two of my friends are still being held in prison on trumped up charges. They are:
Eddie Ancona:

Cassian Chavarria:

They were charged and have been imprisoned because three legally licensed firearms were found in the incorrect rooms on my property (stretching the law to the extreme). I would ask you to please email the following and demand their release:
162 responses to “Guatemala”
Of course, they miss JM in San Pedro (or, rather his money ….). In these underdeveloped countries, a man with money is always glorified as they contribute to the wealth of some poor souls, no matter his moral quality.
I suggest that authorities would do a better job going after him for charges of misuse of minors (almost leaning to child abuse!)
BTW, in Guatemala JM will only lose more of his money (especially to his lawyer known for defending the corrupt ex-president Portillo), and believe me, Guatemala is more corrupt than Belize (having lived quite some time in both countries as a foreigner).
Here in San Pedro for a few days and most everyone here believes in your innocence and happy for all your contributions to the area.
I am sure going back to Belize under duress is heartbreaking. I would suggest accepting this move as if it has already occured. There is nothing you can do but what you are doing now.. attorneys, appeals,,etc. Not to say the situation is hopeless. If you did not commit the crime the truth will be told. But, I guess that is why you split. Because you eithier know who did it or maybe it was GSU and they meant to get you, which you initially felt was the case. Don’t be afraid, many people are in support of your efforts to expose the corruption in Bz. Many people think what they think… Best of luck, Leisa
I’ve never heard of you prior to watching NBC’s Nightline this evening. I, of course, have been aware of your company. I am going to delve further into reading more of what this is all about. I feel compelled to say that you have one of the most beautiful, strong and captivating voices I’ve ever heard—— none the less —– I’m sure this will all turn out like it is meant to. Stay safe.
They’re saying a ‘hacker’ got the information from the photo? So, right-clicking on a picture (in windows) and going to ‘Properties’ then ‘Details’ is hacking? That’s comedy.
Yeah, but those believers are called imbeciles. You know, not the people that caught on to this guy being out of his f’ing mind to the point he probably shot someone, got pompous about evading and has now deleted selected posts to correct a story line that leads to this new version after the exif screw up… snap the f*** out of it already.
Tell that to the hospitality industry.
I talked to the guy who left key west with the dead dude, in his sailboat. he was on the boat for a week or so before getting to beleze, had to go to cuba to repair a sail on the way, ran low on fuel too. you would need to contact the monroe county sheriff, key west office to confirm if the info is correct, just relaying what i heard. he got away with much the ex wife was looking for, now that he is dead, who gets the stuff??
Ya that could be a big clue if the sheriff looking for it can at least be confirmed some how.
It was captivating reading until so many of the updates and posts were deleted. The story has been tampered with and convoluted now. Put the posts back.
i really want to know…..the cnn guy he met with made a point of saying how good the coffee was….every other post seems to be the generic “good luck john” and i realize his time is limited. ok then john/stuffmonger im expecting an answer about this on a coffee lovers forum when this is all over : ) Also, what is your preferred sexual position? jk jk…..alrite im gonna go measure out some “tan” with my infants tylenol medicine dropper (much smaller then a finger). see ya guys later. sry that last part was a hoax. ; )
its vice not vibe lmao…..vibe is all about hiphop i believe but i got them confused at first too so no biggie : )….ur right tho, some of those reports by vice have portrayed john worse then just about any other negetive article ive read
thanks for clearing that up, i posted this before your recent blog posts, i certainly understand you cant be everything to everyone, ur doing a hell of a job tho! : )
Dear Howard,
Welcome to the Internet.
My parents were killed in Mexico, and having witnessed the corruption of the Mexican government first hand, I don’t doubt the possibility of government corruption in this case, especially given the propensity for violence that many of these governments have against anyone they deem an enemy.
For any who think Mr. McAfee must be crazy because they have doubts about how or why a government would be so corrupt to do such a thing, anything is possible when corruption and power is involved.
Just make sure you have all of the facts before you condemn…
My parents were killed in Mexico, and having witnessed the corruption of the Mexican government first hand, I don’t doubt the possibility of government corruption in this case, especially given the propensity for violence that many of these governments have against anyone they deem an enemy.
For any who think Mr. McAfee must be crazy because they have doubts about how or why a government would be so corrupt to do such a thing, anything is possible when corruption and power is involved.
Just make sure you have all of the facts before you condemn…
John, can you clarify something? Sometimes you say you are passionate about denouncing corruption in Belize on this blog and changing things there for the better.
Other times you say as soon as you are out of trouble, you’ll get back to fishing and swimming and stop posting about corruption.
So which is it?
Good Luck John and let me know if you need anything I can deliver. Cheers to you and good luck.
I stumbled across this blog though AP feeds. Captivating read. I hope that the truth is discovered and justice is serve.
We’re going on 5,000 comments. No-one ever reads the old ones. I am entering a new stage in the blog – reporting on the corruption in Belize without fear of reprisals, and I want to get back to the core problem – corruption. My flight, etc. will be covered in excrusiating depth by Vice very soon. Sorry if I’m not pleasing everyone but it’s a lot of work and we have too few hands.
I have been working hard and paying much to get Eddie released. He is my best freind.
Good thanks. Watched a poker game for a while. Was it you I borrowed the phone from?
Keep your head up, now that you’re out of Belize perhaps the stress will start to reduce a tiny bit. It is a shame that such a beautiful country can face so much corruption, but it is fights like this one that can begin to expose and fix the issues. Sorry you have to be the example, but cheers for taking it on head first!
Also, I have to agree with the folks at “The John McAfee Story” in saying that you definitely need to be careful about the press–your capture would be quite the headline. I hope that Guatemala will extend amnesty, however, and give you the chance to fight this thing even more publicly.
Very sorry for everything you are going through, and best wishes for a brighter future!
There tons of comments waiting moderation. we are 24 hours behind. Please hang loose.
The DEA is all over BZ. There is an embassy/DEA jet sitting on the tarmac 24/7. Copters and personnel across the country. We give them aid so we can have access to their country to try and interdict the flow coming from the south through BZ to the US. If I were John I’d be very fearful of staying in Quatemala for fear of being kidnapped and held for ransom either by the military, police, banditos or revolutionaries. While BZ is not the place for him to be at this time Quatemala is far more dangerous and corrupt.
Then please ask them to show a more balanced approach. I’ve posted more than I usually would, in the hopes that any of them might slip through. The blog is a continuous “Congratulations, thank God you’re safe, I love you Sam, You’re the man, welcome to Guatemala”. I mean, it’s ridiculous, more like a fan club than a constructive blog. Oh well, this won’t get posted either. All of mine still say “awaiting moderation”, even from last night.
Of course. I am surprised that anyone would think otherwise.
Aryeh Goretsky
Forgot to mention that one of Portillo’s attorneys is none other than Teleforo Guerra, the former Attorney General of Guatemala & Samantha’s uncle. Nothing like having an attorney in the family who represents the ex-president who embezzled $15,000,000 from his own country & RAN to Mexico for 4 years! And you’re the poster boy for corruption? Kettle black?
It is not high season in Belize. Doesn’t start until January, actually.
Robert, I hope that was a tongue in cheek post. When John has more time I’m sure he will post more than 200 times on a coffee lover’s forum with his Stuffmonger account explaining the Stuffmonger Method for turning Nescafe powder into Kopi Luwak with photos and everything…..
You are already in guatemala might as well head to costa rica, that is a good neutral country, specially since they have a lady for president.
Talk to the moderators.
Yes, the story will definitely get told.
Gaby, I posted my thoughts, not all glowing, and they were blocked as well. How come John? I can always post elsewhere you know, like at Vice.com. I did actually.
I did not really tamper with their photograph.
Are you referring to Greg Faull? If so you may have valuable information that Mr. Mcafee should know about.
Please tell more, as soon as possible. You may hold a piece of the puzzle in this murder mystery.
See my latest post
I have not moderated or deleted a single comment for the past three days. There are many people who modwerate this blog.
It was no mistake. I posted the misdirection on purpose. Vice gave up the co-ordinates by accident and I was doing what little I could to cover our tracks while we hastilly moved on.
Vice Magazine took the photo, sent the photo, processed the photo and published the photo. There are two journalists from Vice with me.
The guy who was killed sailed from our marina here in key west. the ex wife was looking for the boat, was offering 20k to a guy i knows friend to turn it in, he was friends with the deceased. the sherriff was looking for the boat before he split. i know the guy who sailed with him from key west. need to know more……
Good to hear that your are save, but I’m sure you miss la Isla Bonita…
Seriously? The founder of an anti virus website amongst other high tech endeavours allows an “unseasoned technician” to “accidentally release the exact coordinates’ Leave McAffee alone. He’s a smart idiot,,, no more than that. If hes not guilty, hes crazy,,,,,
Welcome to Guatemala…
John… I will find you and bring u back to Belize. Challenge Accepted!
“[…]Police have not established a motive so far but are following several leads.”
John McAfee does not appear in slideshow of wanted persons.
in dubio pro reo
I hope everything goes well
You have blocked my comments on the last three posts, granted you have deleted the previous two. i have been supportive and have been contributing to this blog from day one, If I have some tough questions, I am sure that i am not alone on that. I am a supporter, however, I am not a blind supporter, I truly wish you the best. I believe in your quest to make a better Belize, this may be the beginning of so many other corrupt countries to question themselves. Your credbility in this fight is crucial to win this battle. You are being crucified in the press. You need all the supporters you can get, and credible ones, not just those who are always commenting to God bless you and Sam, I wish you the best and will continue to follow this blog, even if I am banned for making comments.
Welcome to Guatemala my name is Farid Marroquin and admire
Hi John, just read Sam Gustin’s article in TIME. He made a few errors which I asked him to correct since they seemed out of line with the story that you were trying to tell. He
Here are my three comments to him:
Comment #1. Hey Sam, some errors in your “reporting.” When you picked up the copy off of Vince’s website you mistakenly indicated that Sam is Guerra’s daughter when in fact she is his NIECE. Please correct your article.
(SamG replied that he has now made this fix.)
Comment #2. Hey Sam, another fix for you. According to Vice’s report on Sam’s comment where she said, “That sounds good. Finally you used your head and not your ass!” she was referring to Vice Magazine’s error when they didn’t delete the now infamous EXIF data on the photo of John and their editor that they posted to the Vice site yesterday. That was totally stupid of them. Totally lame! Sam was NOT referring to John saying that they had plans to be married. Good grief!
(SamG replied: “@Zorro – How do you know. Sounds like they are in love.” Obviously, he’s not a careful reader of Vice’s post earlier today.)
Comment #3. Gotta keep up Sam! Breaking news you know. I’ve always loved reading TIME but http://www.whoismcafee.com seems to be a better source of raw information on this one. Granted one must read John’s blog with a grain of salt given his know background as an incurable publicity hound that goes back to his early days in Silicon Valley. But you have to admire his intent to shine a light on all of the corruption in Belize. It sounds like he’s been though some awful harrassment in Belize. I don’t believe that John is guilty of the murder of his neighbor but instead may have been the target of an obviously incompetent assassin who got the address mixed up.
I’d like to suggest that TIME assign a reporter to really dig into the corruption in Belize and write a hard-hitting in-depth article on that topic. Regardless of John’s sometimes crazy-interactive-performance-art-storytelling there IS DEFINITELY A HUGE CHRONIC CORRUPTION AND DRUG PROBLEM IN BELIZE. AS A U.S. CITIZEN I THINK THAT THE U.S. SHOULD NOT BE PROVIDING ANY ECONOMIC AID TO THAT COUNTRY OF ANY KIND!!!
(SamG replied: Tell you what. You can email me if you’d like to discuss this further.” I am considering his offer but prefer to remain anonymous (loaded word isn’t it … but I am a free agent here).
John, personally I think that some of your lifestyle choices are more than questionable but it is a free country (well at least the United States is … not sure about Belize). I’ve been following this story since Day 1 and I’ve been trying to stay objective. Just had to comment when reporting is not precise.
Good luck on your adventure … and try to keep the spotlight on Belize’s corruption and make a difference on that front.
X – Zorro
Hello John,
Glad I think you are in Guatemala. Did you go in through immigration and customs entry, or did you shortcut that for asylum? Also, It seems that perhaps the local Belizian business owners are either rooting for you or are a bit concerned, or not happy if their businesses are affected by your Boycott wishes. (also noticed your blog Boycott info has been removed). Finaklly, with patience watching through the zillion commercials on Belize TV7, they are saying “And the psychiatric circus continues”. What say you, I would hope for clarification. Disappointingly, I cannot find any continuing information on Mr. Faulls investigation, that unfortunately seems quiet in light that that was a brutal life lost at the hands of a cold killer. I hope your reward brings forth the killer, and it might take a truly irresistible sum of money to make that happen. JMHO.
Whatever it is I am, mate, you’re a right prick for speaking to an absolute stranger in this way.
I haven’t read any more than half a sentence of what you said – there’s plenty of you mugs on the Internet. Your crap isn’t special ๐
Dear John,
I’m very happy to read this. As for yesterday, well, the best laid plans go astray in times of chaos.
There’s never any need to apologise for misdirection in your circumstances, it is entirely to be expected.
I look forward to the press conference.
Good luck champ
Cool to have you in my country!!! come visit me LOL.
Umm, are you thick? McAfee never edited the EXIF data and VICE was stupid enough to post the photo with the correct EXIF data intact.
The “tampering” claim was a weird, transparent ploy to buy him time to get away again.
I must say i like the panther hair better than the cheetah hair!
Mr. John i have met u in orange walk before i hate how things turn out for u i know how politics here is i hate to see another good man leave Belize I wish u a safe a secure life i hope to get more updates
john, you said you drink coffee and as a fellow coffee drinker ive always heard guatemala and costa rica, and surrounding countries have the finest coffee in the world. what country do you think has the best coffee and do you have a certain brewing method that you prefer?
Latest on John http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/john-mcafee-is-in-guatemala-city-and-he-just-hired-the-best-lawyer-in-the-country
John, if you need any help I am here to help you. I play a mean guitar and have traveled the world. You will be the winner!
O yo yo
Don’t turn yourself in man. Keep running.
BTW, I also want to pass along my thanks to you team (Chad and others) that worked so diligently keeping us up to date and sharing your story…the fairness and transparency you ALL exhibited through this adventure was astounding…I have a huge smile on my face as I just read that you met with Sam’s Uncle and planning to end the run and address the issue…and come out successfully on the other end…GREAT WORK TEAM…and New Friends…yeah, God Bless you all AGAIN!
This is great, one of the first live manhunts blogcasted live on the internet. I cant wait for more updates. It is great that everybody is so happy about following an ALLEGED murderer cross the globe in The Greatest Manhunt of All time?!
Going to make a good movie.
John, you seem to have a good lawyer now and are going to marry Sam? Best wishes and good luck.
CONGRATS ON THE PENDING NUPTIALS!! She stood by you and you will stand by her…good work My Man! Sounds like this leg of your saga is coming close to an end…trust the legal portion will pan out as well…John, you are as intelligent as you sound…one day a nice cup of coffee in a better Belez?? From one of your supporters and according to you “a Friend”….God Bless…
I find it curious that the event that led to your hightailing it, as it were, followed closely a press report delineating your eccentricities and your relationship with your neighbors. The issue of culpability is on everyone’s mind, of course, even though no-one appears to have the guts to talk about it. Let’s wait until all the evidence is in. I’m sitting with you on this for the time being though, given the sequence of events.
Don’t use logic. It doesn’t apply.
John, just read the newest Vice blurb, and it sounds much much better. It took a long time, but it looks like finally the real story is going to be told. MSM sucks, as they have proved over and over again. It was nice to see you and Sam are together after all, and encouraging to know it is her Uncle who will be helping you…..less chance of a “screw up”.
Continued Good Luck…….
Congratulations to Sam and John on the vice announcement on marriage!!! Happy for both of you and wish I could be at ceremony.
You moderators are no fun.
That picture of Mcafee kissing his grand-daughter – ooops I mean his girlfriend – is very touching. I would wish you a long marriage but typically young chicks dont stay with old men long after they get married. It has something to do with money – or wrinkles.
” I need a lawyer, sir.” – 1%
That George guy looks like a has a little Mexican descent in him.
Here’s what appeared on the local paper:
(The post subprime housing crash…)
‘Underwater borrowers can’t sell their home without paying back the difference between the sale price and the amount owed to their lender.’
Now that is what i would be calling a possible organized transfer of wealth by the 1% other than 9-11 vis-a-vis Charlie Wilson’s freedom fighters that just got bored after fighting the Soviets.
Just give them something to do.
That was the order that went down…
One can see a little of that moral decay that happening as we speak within America.
Welcome to Guatemala! ๐
Welcome to Guatemala! ๐
Would I be speaking out of place if I suggested that your co-ordinates were revealed in a kind of tit-for-tat kind of sentiment Re: tampering with their photograph?
Breaking news: McAfee is the secret illegitimate child of Charlie Manson & Rosanne Barr. Rare madman comic relief hybrid.
This is great news about hooking up with Telรฉsforo Guerra to help with your case. However, I would ditch these dudes from VICE … they nearly pulled off getting you caught yesterday. One thing that jumped out from their story yesterday with the EXIF data on the photo was when they wrote “Rocco and Robert will continue to follow John until the conclusion of his journey” – Was the conclusion supposed to be your capture?
I hope you two are safe and Sam’s uncle can truly help … please John, distance yourself from the physical media … they are trying to get you captured … for them, that is the story they all want to break.
You need to go even deeper into hiding and stay there for a while. Let your blog speak out … the world is following it closely.
John: You through me off changing the name of your blog. I also noticed a couple of threads disappeared. No great loss. People were really getting crazy and mean (displaying a lot of ignorance) in their posts.
To the important: Congrats! You went international! Great strategy! Hope you’re getting close to the final stretch.
Best wishes!
Hey MIB,
Have you been to the AC forum? That was where I saw first hand just how they feel about corruption, and about their neighbor John. A select few understand the implications of doing nothing, and want to act, now that John has opened the door. But, most of them are ostriches. NIMBY people. It’s not their fight. They aren’t the ones being kept in a cycle of poverty. Besides, the crime isn’t that bad on AC. YET. Quite frankly, it’s that mentality (as opposed to ‘hedonistic’ behavior) that gives Gringos a bad name. The holier than thou, self serving, entitled attitude that they are displaying shows the locals that they are there to take, not to give. The notion that they have a duty to help enrich the lives of the native people on whose land they now reside (quite comfortably)is non existent. Why on earth should they? They have money, food, shelter, businesses, just about everything they want…….in Paradise. It’s not their fault the country is messed up, so why should they put themselves out there to help? SMH
I understand your comment, it actually proves the importance of the link. Many many of those businesses are owned by Gringos, so suffering during peak season may just be what it takes to wake them up. After reading the AC forum, I almost hope they will suffer.
Welcome to Guatemala, our obernment is infected with the corruptioon virus, we need a very powerdfull antivirus
If the Guatemalan authorities try to detain you, use the invisibility cloak! It worked great for Harry Potter.
Vice Update
to john,
i hope you are doing well with the 20 something lady by your side. Just have to ask yourself(john) is all this running around the world worth all the times you missed out in making millions in perfecting you original software that you(john) created? Then if the answer is yes…….party on dude. but just remember, you are not the young man that you once were.
Well, this confirms I was right all along. This is the most logical choice.
Good to read you made that choice and that it is working for you (so far).
In June 2008, Belizean Prime Minister Dean Barrow said resolving the dispute is his biggest goal. He proposed referenda for the citizens of Belize and Guatemala, asking whether they support referring the issue to the International Court of Justice. A referendum to be held on the issue simultaneously in Belize and Guatemala on 6 October 2013.
Because of the extreme corruption in the Belize Government, perhaps the people may decide being a part of Guatemala is better? John now has a year to seek justice?? Corruption should be the focus of this story!
Sending Safe passage and strength
How could you trust those shlubs at Vibe when they write an article about you like THIS basically calling you insane!
Do you really think it was an “accident” that they released your coordinates. They’re not interested in reporting the news…they’re interested in creating the news. Headline: “Vibe magazine leads to capture of eccentric millionaire”. You need to part ways with these dudes and trust in a good lawyer.
Many people not only believe him, but understand why he has taken the steps he has taken.
Glad to know that Sam and you have reached safety. May your good luck continue.
You, Mr McAfee have just lost my unconditional support. Not interested in a man who censors his community of supporters. My posts are being deleted. If this is a mistake then you can “apologize” to me for you or your puppet masters ill-managed blog posting SNAFUs and I will reconsider. Regardless of my involvement your fate is sealed.
…daylight comes and me wanuh go home…
Ok wow so since yesterday(last night at least) a whole bunch of posts/info just vanished. I’m officially done I was following this, but I thought it was kind of a live blow by blow account. It is not, it’s constantly edited and manipulated, I was interested in what I thought was a real story, looks now like its more like a work in progress screen play! Carry on, ill catch you later on DVD!
I really doubt there are very many business owners on the caye or the mainland who support John, especially during peak tourist season. All of them know the corruption in BZ but don’t want to see the high season hurt. This time of year helps them make it through the slow times. Destroying the high season only makes enemies of both the GOB and the business community.
How was brunos !
Is there any reason why my comments are being deleted here?
If you thought the snakes in BZ were bad, wait until you get to know the ones in Quatemala. Out of the toilet and into the sewer.
Good News John , Hopefully all will be solved.
There has to be an easier way to do all this. Even a low budget exfil team could have had you out of there awhile ago. Then just stay in international waters with security while a legal team sorts this out. Just a thought. Good luck.
Glad you are safe and are taking active part in ensuring Sam’s safety.
Stay safe and hopefully you are able to get justice for the citizens of Belize
Where can I find out more about Sam?
If X wasn’t real and just a troll why did Chad have to tweet about it? Something doesn’t seem right with this whole story. Could have X been right and led to John having to change directions and not be heard for days. And why is that whole thread deleted that X was on now? Anyone have any answers? John, Chad, followers any answers?
If you are innocent why RUN? Belizean judical system is fair and just. By running you only make matters worse for yourself.
Dude,are you ok? Been hours and no update!
How wrong that while you are out on the run Eddie is paying for what you did! A family left torn in your wake of craziness and destruction. I expected so much more from the once compassionate man I met 2 years ago. Stop running and start clearing things up…innocent people don’t run.
Why is my comment not published?? wrote on 14.25…
awesome work John! supporting you and watching your story from South Africa! We know how corruption works down here! Belize have closed the link from your site to message them. Love Vice but rookie mistake! Take good care!
Glad your safe when will I be able to visit?
You really should put the older posts back up please! You can add a note to them or something but don’t delete them.
If you didn’t legally enter Guatemala the authorities could detain you. Do you have government high-level approval? Belize may apply to have you extradited if Guademala has an extradition treaty with Belize.
you say misdirections i say lies
tomayto tomahto lets call the whole thing off
Please keep us updated! I am going through McAfee withdraw!! ๐ Refreshing the page constantly hoping for a new post!! ๐ ๐ Prayers are with you and Sam!
John you da man
Anyone that objects to the deliberate smokescreens set up for you to escape that terrible trap by terrible people needs to be in that position themselves. When people escaped the Nazis they had to do all kinds of evasions to succeed in the escape. ..So, Kudos. Just please find another way to fight that putting yourself in their hands again. Please.
john mcafee for president!!!!
yeah i gotta say im a little confused why you deleted all the posts and comments about you being safe and the vice magazine cellphone file manipulation dispute…..its one thing to use misdirection but you need people to trust you also…..and your british bodyguard has been released for some time now, i mentioned it a day or two ago when it first happened……i realize your on the run but its getting harder and harder to believe that you can do media interviews and leave the country but for some reason its impossible to answer questions reguarding this murder or to do something to resolve all of this? u cant skype the police or something? or have your lawyers act as a go between or answer the questions in your place?
I read that the Belize authorities think that you are “bonkers”.
Anyone that does not know Marty, he is the most vocal opponent to John..Mr. Clover is not far behind on that forum .. Perhaps best to start with them. Great idea Mr. Web! Very funny.
This link is for everyone trying to help John bring awareness to the conditions in Belize. Most of us have been writing the Government. Personally, I think the group on this list could be really helpful…..They are business owners, who don’t want to lose everything over this. A flood of emails, faxes, written letters, what ever, would probably wake them up a bit. A very fine man ๐ named Marty compiled this list for us. Maybe we should head over to the AC forum and thank him. lol.
Let the writing begin!
First question at the press conference :
Do you know what the age of consent is in Guatemela?
Glad to hear that you are safe. I hope everything goes much more smoother then the past few days. I wish the best of luck to you and sam.
Glad to hear that everything is ok with you! Sad that I`m not in Belize any more, would try to help you if anything needed..
Guatemala always has seemed a little bit “fishy” for me, but good luck. In this case they should support you as they dont like Belize..
Mcaffee, please stay there and don’t come back… Let’s see if those crazy ass people will treat you better than us. Thought we were bad? You havent seen bad. They’ll kill you.
& Buen hecho & have a good day.
SI EL RIO SUENA ES PORQUE PIEDRAS TRAE -If the river makes noise it’s because it carries rocks- Guatemalan saying; (If there’s some rumor, it probably holds some truth.) Bienvenido to the land ‘of vicious rumors’.
Well this all makes more sense now. Glad you’re doing well. I do wonder about the Vice online article though, not only is it less than flattering, but I could swear I read the exact words somewhere else. Is that a ruse too? Also, there has been a lot of chatter here about your failure to recognize that William Mulligan had been released. It was in the midst of all this cloak and dagger stuff of the last few days, and so it’s probably just an oversight.
Looking forward to the next leg of this adventure…..
Hooray! The hunted becomes the hunter and so the saga continues. I don’t do TV but boy am I glued to whatever screen is at hand to discover new bits of this mesmerizing story. May the truth prevail! More power to ya and godspeed is all I can say…
Glad you’re okay but why delete all the previous posts and comments? Each action you’ve taken reduces your credibility with the public. No one believes anything you say at this point. If that is part of your plan then good luck, but you may be too surrounded by sycophants to hear the truth.
Stay free and fun Stuffmonger!
Why don’t you speak with high power legal professionals about maybe doing a video questioning session with police officials in belie
So GREAT to hear from you. Sounds like a Wonderful plan. Praying it all works well for you and Sam. Many of us were very worried due to prolonged silence. Stay focused and safe. Be so very careful whom you trust. God Bless you and Sam.
Thanks for the update glad you and Sam are safe (sort of figured that’s what happend).
Glad you’re safe John!
Good to hear you are safe in Guatemala, hope all is well with Sam too. Not happy about the screw up but these things happen….
What happened to the threads “I’m Safe” and “Another Apology”?
Will they be added to the archive?