Samantha’s native tongues are Spanish and Creole. She has only recently begun to master English. She insists on using it exclusively, however, an idea that I encourage. English is a powerful tool in the current world. I have left her text exactly as she wrote it. This is her first exposure to blogs and and her first blog entry:
im 20 years old. i have not had an easy life. The things i had to go through was painful but at the end i learn from them. while i was growing up in a family of 8 it was really hard for me. my little sister an i had the hardest things to do, we had to wash everybody’s cloths by hand sometimes with a bucket and a long pipe ,we would put the durty cloths in the water and detergent and would take the pipe and bet it for about 20 minutes each of us would take turns to do so.when we had done doing this we would make lunch on a fire hart. my brothers would go to the bush and find old wood and bring it for us to light the fier so we could cook on it an make luch for all of us.I grew up in a very poor family and also abusive my life has not been to fun ,everyday was painful for me and my brothers and sister,sometime we would go with days not eating because my dad did not had a straight job .Our house was made out of a type of would call primenta i had 2bed and a ketchen ,we all had to live in this little place an could not coplain because we knew that we didn’t haditas good as others but one thing we had life although it was not a life i would like to live. Then came along John who most of you know .when i first saw him is when he came to a village called carmelita . Everyone was talking about this white man at this point i didn’t kwen his,i who is a every inqisitive girl want to meet this man an see who bad he appers to be in the eyes of other . so one monday evening my and a friendwent to his house i did not want to go alone cause people were saying that he feeds kids to the crocz.so i ask my friend to come along with me as ireach is gate with fair not knowing or things what this man would say or tell me i was just friking norvious.So i apruch the securite gard and said to him,”i wa talk to the bass man you could plz call a fu mi”he smile and simple turned away and pull out his walk man an said “bass theres a girl an a guy here to see you” then i saw this white guy coming from about 2feet from the gate with gun houster around his shoulder.He then ask “can i help you “i said to him with fear’ i heard thatyou said if anyone needs anything or help gto come to you so i did so.”he then said to me “what do you need.”i then reply”i need a job can you help me” he then said “do you drink’i said”yes,i do”then with out thinking of it he said to me”am sary but i dont hire people who drink” i the hury and said to him,”i could stop drink mister i really can i just need a jod becausemy mom has no money and she recently separated from my dad.”he shake his haead an said”meet me 6 pm at the Amy house which am building in the village center.”so i went an he did gave me a job. John has been a great man to me an had done things for me that i am thankful of and will always be.I am a belizean an from since these people has been turmenting this man lifei had been by his siad because i see that he has been inocent ,for examlpe they are pointing fingers at this man that he had murder a nabier next door which is so low and also a lie cause that night he was with me the whole night we were seeing move an playing with my puppy i just got.also everyone who live in that house saw him their that night so i know he is clean .Im a belizean and am not taking part for him butif you are wrong you are but this country of mine is corupted an injustice and full of liers.I ceartenly cant live like this nor in a place that dose not have justice, we as the people should voice out what we feel an do something of it cause we are living in this place know one ealse.so as you see here in my country of belize is all a adventure for me as myy life.
Three of my friends are still being held in prison on trumped up charges. They are:
Eddie Ancona
Cassian Chavarria
William Mulligan
They were charged and have been imprisoned because three legally licensed firearms were found in the incorrect rooms on my property (stretching the law to the extreme). I would ask you to please email the following and demand their release:
42 responses to “From Samantha”
So the neighbour was killed because of his noisy dogs. I have seen pictures of JM’s place next to the neighbours. Really small properties surrounded by high fencing. You think that he could afford a large plot with no one nearby for a few hundred yards. What’s up with picture of things.?
gracias todo esta qedando mejor que pasa felize dia
Estan en una situacion extraordinaria, ojala que todo se resuelva favorablemente para ustedes.
Ahoj Mack,
Ako sa dnes máte?
S pozdravom,
Aryeh Goretsky
Writing on the Internet is hard, especially under such trying circumstances. I hope you will share more with us in the future.
Aryeh Goretsky
You are a sad human being!
Well your story is an interesting one. All I have to say at this point is no one who grew up without the english language would be able to spell “cause” and be so wrong with other words. She has motive to keep John out of jail, her own livelihood. John, you sure have found a creative way to scam people, even attempting to have your ‘achem’ girlfriend write an alibi for you. If you’re innocent, then prove it. Quit being a coward, albeit, if you truly have wore those disguises, its quite a hilarious coward, but coward just the same. Face your accusers and request the USA help. Feel free to trace my IP. I find your blog entertaining and can see how you accomplished so much in life. But at this point, there comes a time where a man needs to face his accusers. Running only makes you look guilty and all the blogs in the world will not change the situation you face.
That’s not the point, the point is that a year and a half ago, she probably wished she had half the money she is now spending on that mutt. Now it looks like instead of looking back and helping some old acquaintance in the ghetto, she’s trying really hard to get a membership into the plastic club.
I think there’s plenty of shame to go around here.
how so?
love you samantha
he’s and educated troll but maybe not a bilinqual troll
sounds like you’re too smart (so you think) for your own good, John knows what he has to do
Goretzky, lets see you write in a foreign language..we’re waiting….
John, I am routing for you. I am American who lived in Belize for many years. I too know just how corrupt that place is. And I agree that the GOB would harm you. It is something that people who have never lived in Bze could fully understand. I am full of crazy Belizean stories as well. Not quite as crazy as yours – but yes that place is fucked up!! We have met and for certain you would remember me. Good Luck !
Which just goes to show why Paris Hilton and the such are actually plain “cheap”. They may be spending tons of money on what they buy, but at the end of the day they just look the same.
Kudos to whoever achieves the same look with far less.
Your childhood sounds pretty normal for a Belizean in a small village. Doing laundry in a bucket and cooking on the fire hearth are simply a fact of life. I’ve lived that way myself, and it’s not that big a deal, although less convenient than a washing machine and butane stove.
That said, good luck breaking out of the cycle of generational poverty and making something of yourself. Mastering English will be a good first step.
Hey,U guys really rock! Everything will be OK!
Its like you read my thoughts! You seem to understand a lot about this, such as you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you can do with a few % to drive the message house a bit, however instead of that, this is wonderful blog. A great read. I will certainly be back.
As an American living in a third-world country, I have no way of knowing the truth of your case John, but I can empathize and imagine myself in a similar situation.
Samantha, please take good care of yourself! Listen thoughtfully to the advice of those who care about you the most, and consider the consequences of any actions you take or could be connected to.
And to people who say Samantha looks like a socialite: really? People always want to look their best in photos, and fashionable clothes and accessories are affordable and accessible in these kinds of countries. I’m always amazed at the appearance of people on the streets here in the Philippines. Even most of the poorest squatters wear fashionable clothes that are well fitted. People are better dressed here, on average, than my friends in Alaska.
thank you so much each day am a get better and be proud of what i am and i an going to strive for what i wantin lifean acomplish it with a big smile on my face and also going to keep on shining like a bright light cause i can do it once it put my self an i am
thank you for that wounderful comment ,you know if other people could think like you this would be a better world.i sincerly dont care what peole say because there are not part of my life and dont have a clue what kind of life i have been through .i always use this phrase a lot.’ d more deh hate d more a rise stop d shush bout mi’ people like you bring laughter and joy to me and rite npow i need that
Oh i see. You only date older men eh? sounds like John is gonna have another gold digger after him once he clears all this up and becomes master of the universe. You are not taking him down honey. not here not there not anywhere.
Samantha – your English is coming along GREAT – you should be really proud of yourself. And I love the purple flower in your hair too!
John – sounds like you are in a tough spot. Whatever you did/did not do, I understand why you would doubt the “fairness” of the local justice system. If I were in your shoes (and I know I’m not!) I’d get as many press people as possible…especially US/UK…and take them all with you to a local police station. Preferably 10+, i.e. enough so that they can’t be bribed/disappeared etc.
Or just get the hell out of there (which I assume you know you will need to do eventually) if you have the means to engineer that.
Samantha: good for you standing by your man!
John: I think you have at least a little luck on your side!
Both: Big hugs!
John and Sam be careful we do not know if this corruption of individuals is using Syrian computer methods to try and track you down.
Whoever is posting for you as yo dictate to them might be in danger if they are using such methods. I hope for the best and Justice done.
Fuck everything, you know what’s right.
Again I did read all that was available… I am a very book smart and educated woman. Take my word John, you are going about this all wrong. You have given this thing enough national attention town come forward. I live in Ca, but have visited Belize. My Canadian cousins are actually purchasing a retirement home there. You will never be able to make a home in Belize after this mess. Your best bet is to speak to authorities, clear your name and get the heck out of that hell hole lol. Thank you for responding… Wish I could help, but I’m just a normal US citizen lol..but for some reason I am starting to believe that you had nothing to do with the murder.. And I know this is going to end badly if you don’t speak with authorities, just have a horrible feeling. Like I said, they are not going to find the real murderer as they are only looking at you, with each day that passes things will only get worse when they finally catch up to you.
Repost due to typo’s! Wow, this story has really intrigued me. I am a 40 year female, district manager for one of the largest banks in the world, take pride in my appearance and the accomplishments I have made professionally. I actually had forgotten about John McAfee until last weekend when this story broke, and it just keeps getting more bizarre by the day. My first thought was, John you are as guilty as can be. I am now confused and intrigued. My first thought is why would you stay in a country that requires you to have armed body guards and live in fear of retaliation for something that happened nearly a year ago? You have the means to go to another beautiful third world country and make a new start? Playa DeL Carmen comes to mind. I love that place lol. Secondly, you have gained enough national attention to now come forward for questioning… Why would you risk being killed at this point? The PM is on the edge of his seat and must now treat you with respect. I would think with the technology in Belize it would difficult to prove a murder even if you were the killer. I know you have stated that they do not have to prove anything and I have read the articles that you posted about the GSU etc, but I do feel you will be treated fairly given the media attention. If you do not speak with them, you may risk whatever fortune you have left, a life on the run and your sanity. Just my 2 cents.. Even though your life style is questionable, that doesn’t make you a murderer. Turn yourself in John, don’t let them take your life. With your behavior in the media, they are not going to be looking at my one but you, so until you come forward you remain the prime suspect and continue running…hope you respond, again I am intrigued by your intellegance and this story just keeps getting crazier.
I have not been charge with anything. Why would she be at risk?
Do the homework suggested in the “background” section. It will answer most of your questions.
Wow, this story has really intrigued me. I am a 40 year female, district manager for one of the largest banks in the world, take pride in my appearance and the accomplishments I have made professionally. I actually had forgotten about John McAfee until last weekend when this story broke, and it just keeps getting more bizarre by the day. My first thought was, John you are as guilty as can be. I am now confused and intrigued. My first thought is why would you stay in a country that requires you to have armed body guards and live in fear of retaliation for something that happened nearly a year ago? You have the means to go to another third world country and make a new start? Playa DeL Carmen comes to mind. I love tat place lol. Secondly, you have gained enough national attention to now come forward for questioning… Why would you risk being killed at this point? The PM is on the edge of his set and must now treat you with respect. I would think with the technology in Belize it would difficult to prove a murder. I know you have stated that they do not have o prove anything and I ave read the articles that you posted about the GSU etc, but I do feel you will be treated fairly given the media attention. If you do not speak with them, you may risk whatever fortune you have left, a life in the run and your sanity. Just my 2 cents.. Even though your life style is questionable, that doesn’t make you a murderer. Turn yourself in John, don’t let them take your life. With your behavior, they are not oing to be looking at my one but you, so until you come forward you remain the prime suspect and continue running…hope you respond, again I am intrigued by your intellegance and this story just keeps getting crazier.
Doesn’t Sam realize that when you eventually get arrested (people can’t run forever – innocent or not) that she will go down with you for conspiring with a fugitive? Is she ready to live her life in jail? Being so young, she has her entire life ahead of her. I realize that there is a part of her that feels you have saved her from her previous life of extreme poverty, but are you really being fair to her by allowing her to stay with you. You care about the others who have been arrested just because they are a friend or employee, but what about Sam? She will get the worst of it for staying with a man on the run. While I am sure you like the companionship, isn’t it safer for you both to part ways? If she thinks her childhood was terrible, a life in prison is much worse.
Girl….don’t listen to these haters. So what if you’re young and pretty…dating someone older with a little dough? I personally ONLY date older men (and no, they don’t have to have $) and have always had people talk bad about me. But they’re just jealous and some people just HAVE to bring you down. You’re gorgeous and seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Love your man…live your life…and continue to be happy. I’ll be praying for you both! : )
You and Samantha are in a tough place. I hope your consciences guide you, and the choices the two of you make are the right ones.
Do you believe that all cultures contain the same values for dress, makeup and adornment? If you dressed in America today the same as a woman in the 1950’s dressed in America, you might be perceived as a prostitute. I cannot fathom how you can judge someone from another culture using a yardstick that only barely applies to your own.
Sam shops exclusively at used clothing stores, and has not changed that habit since meeting me. You should be ashamed of yourself.
first of all i want to get something straight to those negative juders who are doing so ,first of all i am not a spoil brat nor a hore as they say i am . to the eyes of those who think i am thank you .And i am not thinking i am some elas before i meet john i dress that ways and thats me i work honestly for what want and and i am proud of who i am, remember they are always going to have nasty silly comment and hater in this world but these same people are the ones that .makes us stronger and more smarter. i acually dont care about what people have to say about me at this point cause i have one life to live and i am going to do so by not letting silly comment or words bring me down.so you see when things like this happen to you, you have to be smart enough to see who is wort wasting your time and streaght.i am just a ordenery girl who is just opening up to the real world and still learning, most people point fingers and post shade thing to people ,but they dont realize that the world spind and insted of saying mean things to other look in the mirrow and ask your self what are you, who are you, and think for a while what your life was then if you never did mistakes you can freely jude me but my believe is that no one is perfrect an all of us had a bad life an some dont so we need to thank god for the things we have an please be thankful for everyone and everything instead of being so naive and negative .fun how this world work i sometimes sitdown and wounder do people like this really exsiste its like they are a drilled borring a whole in your head pushing and pushing tell they reach to the next end of your head borsting through tell you finaly give up and say you cant no more but i will not back down an be weak instead i will just turn an keep smiling my life is to beautiful to wast on silly things that just brings your hopes down .life is what you make it so make your life how you want to live it cause at the end you are the only one living it so make it the best and be proud of who you are and dont pretend to be who you are not ,people see you simle but behide those smile you are full of pain an hurt so dont let things get to you be who you want and always keep simling and enjoy what the world have to offere to you ,for a girl living in this country of injustice i believe am doig pretty good well thats all i wanted to say .
She hardly looks like a gold-digger with a cotton t-shirt, jeans, & bag, along with simple silver jewelry, none of it designer. I wish she weren’t in the predicament she’s in, but she is brave & standing up for what she believes in. I am still not sure about any of this, but I, for one, am guilty of being quick to judge. Am hoping the best for both of them & anyone else involved.
You clearly haven’t lived in third world countries much. Her entire outfit – jeans, bag, t-shirt, sunglasses and “jewelry” – probably cost her less than 30 bucks at the local market.
Johnny boy, you are not gonna win many hearts posting pictures of samantha dressed like Paris Hilton with her pet/toy dog and all that jewelry. Who the hell goes from being starving poor a year and a half ago.. to dressing and acting like spoiled hollywood brats? Seriously dude keeping her on your blog will just hurt your chances of people taking you serious. I’m not ready to judge her to be a gold-digger yet, simply because I don’t like to rush to judgment, but clearly not everyone shares my restraint.
Please increase the recent posts to higher than 5 … nobody can see the John’s original post called Introduction.
Education and literacy are to be prized.
Aryeh Goretsky